My favourite Things

My name is Zac nd I am a student at Glasshouse Christian College. This web page lists my favorite foods, favorite television shows, and favorite movies.

My Favourite foods

My favourite TV shows

  1. Mandolorian
  2. Batman: The Animated Series
  3. Avengers Assemble
  4. Spider Man
  5. Clone Wars

My Favourite Movies

  1. Deadpool I like the movie because it is funny and has good charecters
  2. Avengers Infinity War I like this movie becuase it has a good plot and has a good ending
  3. Batman The Dark Night I like this movie becuase the Batman in this movie is very well portrayed
  4. Indiana Jones Raiders Of The Lost ark I like this movie becuase it starts of one of the greatest movie series and is very interesting
  5. Avengers Endgame It finished of the series very well and had a good climax

This is a picture of ramen. This is a picture from the batman animated series